Game Reviews

Shadow the Hedgehog



Sonic & Sega Racing G

Sonic Riders Zero Gravity G
Console: Wii

This Game is mainly about when a meteroite drops into Sonic's World and touches a robot from Meteo Tech. The robot, along with hundreds of others, go berserk and go all over the world to get the rest of the meteroites.

Sonic and his friends run into the Babylon Rogues (Jet, Wave and Storm.) They are after the same things as Sonic but they call them "Ark of the Cosmos". And Eggman, well of course, he is behind all of this but not the whole part of the problem. ( That's new!!!)

Sonic Rush G
 Console: DS    

Sonic Rush is mainly about Sonic defeating Eggman and a new Rival, Eggman Nega. Sonic and Tails are also trying to find a mysterious cat girl who is Blaze. Cream is with her and Eggman Nega is mainly her enemy. Blaze is after the Sol Emeralds, which Eggman stole from her World.

 Super Smash Brothers PG


 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games G
Console: DS, Wii.

KayKay: This game I love because there are more characters in this then the other one.

This Game has a lot of events from the Real Winter olympic games.

 Sonic The Hedgehog4

Sonic Advance G

console:Gameboy advanced and ds

 Sonic rush Adventure G

 Sonic & the Black Knight


Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Console: Wii, DS.

KayKay: This game is similar to the Winter one but it has all the Summer events. There really isn't a story in this but u can play with ur family and friends and try to reach for the Gold Medal!!!


Sonic Colours

Sonic colours for: Ds,wii

Sonic colours is a very tricky game.

The wisps are very clever.  Its not one of segas best games but its still really good.


Sonic Free Riders

Console: XBOX 360 Kinect

